Upload to the Web-based FTP ( using the following address:
When e-mailing photos, graphics or page layout files, please send them as source (not text) files. Any files containing graphics should be saved as a stuffed, self-extracting file that is bin-hex encoded.
Peggy Huckabee: 866-214-3223 ext 125
SWOP STANDARDS APPLY (Specifications for Web Offset Publications)
Electronic file complete with layout, fonts and supporting graphics files embedded in a hi-res PDF format.
PDF files are encouraged and should be created with the following specifications:
All fonts should be embedded.
No RGB or lab images should be used; make sure all images are 300 dpi CMYK.
Convert all spot colors to 4-color process.
Density of tones 300% or less. Densities higher have potential of blistering on press causing additional charges for down-time.
A rich black color should be used to avoid a washed-out appearance whenever large lettering, graphics, boxes or backgrounds are to print as black (small text should remain 100% black to avoid registration issues on press). A rich black should also be used if the color overlaps any other graphic element to avoid ghosting of the overlap. Use values of 40C/40M/30Y/100K to create a rich black.
Full page ads must be provided with 1/8" (0.125") bleeds on all 4 sides. Bleed size is 8.625" x 11.125" and the ad will be trimmed to 8.375" x 10.875".
Zip compression with down sampling set no less than 300 dpi.
Color management set to “none”.
The “press” preset in the standard Acrobat will usually create an acceptable PDF for print.
After creating a PDF, view the file with “Overprint Preview” to verify actual output.
PDF files are preferred however native files are accepted with the following restrictions:
Adobe Acrobat PDF (high-resolution), InDesign CS 5.5*, Adobe Illustrator CS 5.1*, Adobe Photoshop CS 5.5*
*or earlier versionsHigh resolution files placed by the customer must have all color corrections/alterations complete.
All images need to be saved in CMYK mode. EPS or TIFF files are preferred. Do not compress images using JPEG or LZW.
Provide all supports related to the electronic file (i.e., entire font families, hi-res images and logos). Any third party extension (i.e., Pasteboard) must accompany electronic files. We cannot accept native Corel, Microsoft Publisher or PowerPoint files. These programs are not compatible with high-resolution output equipment. If you create files using one of these programs, please provide a print-ready PDF following the specs above.
Spread copy should be laid out to avoid reading matter or any important part of an illustration running into the gutter. Please do not break type on gutter.
In preparing copy, restrict thin lines and small lettering to one color. Reproduce all reverse lettering with a minimum of colors. Avoid small letters with fine serifs when using reverse lettering.
Payment: net 30 days. Agencies and advertisers are jointly and severally liable. Discount of 15% applies for agency work if paid within 30 days. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising deemed inappropriate for the publication’s standards.